in Databases edited by
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2 votes

Consider the following three SQL queries (Assume the data in the people table):

  1. Select Name from people where $\text{Age}>21$;
  2. Select Name from people where $\text{Height}>180$;
  3. Select Name from people where $(\text{Age}>21)$ or $(\text{Height}>180)$;

If the SQL queries $a$ and $b$ above, return $10$ rows and $7$ rows in the result set respectively, then what is one possible number of rows returned by the SQL query $c$?

  1. $3$
  2. $7$
  3. $10$
  4. $21$
in Databases edited by

1 comment

suppose there are 7 people whose height > 180 but there age is <21(select based on height)

and there are 10 people whose age>21 but there height is <180(select based on age)

so we will get 10+7 =17 rows

If 7 people have height >180 and age>21

and 3 people have height<180 and age>21

then we will get 7+3 = 10 rows

so range of rows that we will get would be between 10 to 17.


3 Answers

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3 votes
When set a and set b all rows are distinct ans would be = 10+7 = 17

When set b is subset of set a than

10+7-7 = 10

Only these two options are preferable...


answer can be 17 also but since 10 is given only so choose 10 rt?
Ans should be between 10 to 17 both inclusive
if and  replace OR then 0-7
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Option C

 Name from people where Age>21=10

 Name from people where Height>180=7

then those who have Age>21 and Height>180 will be (intersection) =7 names, which are included in query(a) output=10, then remaining names out of 10 will be 3 names that does not satisfy both condition but first condition.

therefore 7+3=10


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Maximum We Get 17 Row

Suppose there are 7 people whose height > 180 but there age is <21(select based on height)

and there are 10 people whose age>21 but there height is <180(select based on age)

so we will get 10+7 =17 rows



Minimum We Get 10 Row

If 7 people have height >180 and age>21

and 3 people have height<180 and age>21

then we will get 7+3 = 10 rows



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