in Probability
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Alice and Betty play a game where Alice goes first. They each say a distinct integer from 1 to 15 (inclusive). The first person to say an integer which we summed with a previously spoken integer, gives the value of 16, will lose the game. Who will win the game?
in Probability

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Alice gets a first chance then he can choose any number from (1-15) but betty will choose  from numbers except from which on addition with previously chosen with alice's digit,we will get 16.

suppose,sequence is like this:

alice   betty

9          2

8          10

11         3

4           7

5           6

12         13

14         15

1                 //alice has no other coice but to choose 1,so (15+1) = 16,hence alice looses and betty wins


BUT now consider this scenario:-

Alice     Betty

10          3

7            4

11          6

12          13

15          5

1           14

9            2

8            8   //here beety has no other coice but to choose 8 and hence,it makes up 16.and in this case alice wins


so,how can we decide that whether alice will win or betty wil win??

1 Answer

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Best answer
Betty will always win.

See how.

As there are 15 numbers, Alice will always be chossing last. Now, consider what will happen during the last 3 choose operations.

Lets say Alice chooses any number at the 3rd place from last . Now, there are 2 nos left.

Now, there is a possibility that Betty chosses a number due to which she losses or choose a number due to which Alice is forced to choose a specific number at last . Obviously she takes the second option due to which Betty either wins or draws the game but never loses.
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i got your point..thanks a lot

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