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Calculus: GATE CSE 2015 Set 2 | Question: GA-3
32 votes
32 votes

Consider a function $f(x) = 1- |x| \text{ on } -1 \leq x \leq 1$. The value of $x$ at which the function attains a maximum, and the maximum value of the function are:

  1. $0, -1$
  2. $-1, 0$
  3. $0, 1$
  4. $-1, 2$

4 Answers

Best answer
30 votes
30 votes


Here in diagram we can clearly see that,
At $x=0,$ $f(x)$ would be maximum which is $1.$

Option C is correct.

Alternate Approach - 
Put the value of $x$ of all the options in $f(x)$ and find the value of $f(x).$

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17 votes
17 votes
Answer: C

Put the value of x of all the options in f(x) and find value of f(x).
12 votes
12 votes
There are three values of $x = -1,0,1$

$\Rightarrow 1-|x| =1-|-1| = 0$
$\Rightarrow1-|x| = 1- |0|=1$
$\Rightarrow 1-|x| = 1-|1| =0$

so option C 0,1
edited by
7 votes
7 votes

there are 2 parts 

part A says "value of x at which the function attains a maximum" so at x=0 ,function attains a maximum and

part B says "the maximum value of the function"  so f(0)=1-0=1

so ans should be 0,1


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