in Linear Algebra edited by
33 votes
33 votes

If the following system has non-trivial solution, 

  • $px + qy + rz = 0$
  • $qx + ry + pz = 0$
  • $rx + py + qz = 0$,

then which one of the following options is TRUE?

  1. $p - q + r = 0 \text{ or } p = q = -r$
  2. $p + q - r = 0 \text{ or } p = -q = r$
  3. $p + q + r = 0 \text{ or } p = q = r$
  4. $p - q + r = 0 \text{ or } p = -q = -r$
in Linear Algebra edited by


Another way of solving this question ....

Lets assume option A) is the answer ...

    (i.e)   If the given matrix has non-trivial solution,then A) should be TRUE 

       Taking contra-positive 

             If A) is FALSE,then the given matrix shouldnot have non trivial solution ...

            Let me take p=1,q=1,r=1 (NOTE : Here both conditions in Option A) are false) ... Now determinant value of the given matrix = 0 which means this matrix has non-trivial solution ... So our assumption that "if given matrix has non-trivial solution,then A) should be TRUE" is FALSE ...

The above example not only eliminates A) but also B) and D)

So C) should be the answer ... 

If you directly calculate the determinant of the given 3x3 matrix (with no row/col operations), you get the expression $p^3 + q^3 + r^3 – 3pqr = 0$ which is only possible when $p + q + r = 0$, as you can factorize the expression into $(p + q + r)(p^2 + q^2 + r^2 – pq – qr – pr) = 0$
When for example  p=q=-r,

 p p -p | 0

p -p p | 0

-p p p | 0

by doing row transformations

p p -p | 0

0 0 2p | 0

0 2p 0 | 0

We get, 2py = 2pz = 0

=> y=z=x=0 which gives trivial solutions.

Same happens for option b,d


But when p=q=r

After row transformations

p p p | 0

0 0 0 | 0

0 0 0 | 0

Well have to take y = c1, z = c2

c1,c2 are some constants

x = - ( c1 + c2)

Which doesn't have a trivial solution.

5 Answers

41 votes
41 votes
Best answer

for non-trivial solution $$\left | A \right | = 0$$

where $\left | A \right | = \begin{bmatrix} p & q& r\\ q& r& p\\ r& p & q \end{bmatrix} = p*(rq-p^{2})-q*(q^{2}-pr)+r*(qp-r^{2})$

$=prq - p^{3} - q^{3} + prq + prq - r^{3}$

$= 3prq - p^{3} - q^{3} - r^{3}$

$=-{\left(p+q+r\right)}^{3} + 3(p+q+r)(pq+qr+pr)$

now if you check the options the only options where each individual condition can make $\left | A \right | = 0$ zero is $C.$

edited by





can u explain this one or if you understood this question with some other approach then can you help with that


How did u come conclude that p = q = r is matching for none of the options? For (C) both the conditions in or are matching.

43 votes
43 votes
Answer = C

If we add all the equations we get

(p+q+r)x + (p+q+r)y + (p+q+r)z = 0

which implies p+q+r=0

Only option C has p+q+r=0
23 votes
23 votes

Let $A=\begin{bmatrix}p & q & r\\q & r & p\\r & p & q \end{bmatrix}$.

Since the system has non-trivial solution, hence

$\begin{align} |A|&=0\\ \Rightarrow \left|\begin{matrix}p & q & r\\q & r & p\\r & p & q \end{matrix}\right| &=0\\ \Rightarrow \left|\begin{matrix}p+q+r & q & r\\p+q+r & r & p\\p+q+r & p & q \end{matrix}\right| &=0;~[C_1 \leftarrow  C_1+C_2+C_3]\\ \Rightarrow (p+q+r)\left|\begin{matrix}1 & q & r\\1 & r & p\\1 & p & q \end{matrix}\right| &=0\\ \Rightarrow (p+q+r)\left\{ (qr-p^2) -(q^2-pr)+(pq-r^2)  \right\} &=0; ~[\scriptsize\text{Expanding the determinant using the 1st column}]\\ \Rightarrow (p+q+r)(p^2+q^2+r^2-pq-qr-rp) &=0 \end{align}$


$\therefore p+q+r=0\mathrm{~Or~}(p^2+q^2+r^2-pq-qr-rp)=0~...............\tag{i}$



$\begin{align} p^2+q^2+r^2-pq-qr-rp&=0\\ \Rightarrow 2p^2+2q^2+2r^2-2pq-2qr-2rp &=0;~[\scriptsize\text{Multiplying both sides by }2]\\ \Rightarrow (p^2-2pq+q^2)+(q^2-2qr+r^2)+(r^2-2rp+p^2) &=0;~[\scriptsize\text{Rearranging the expression}]\\ \Rightarrow (p-q)^2+(q-r)^2+(r-p)^2 &=0\\ \therefore p-q=0 \mathrm{~And~}q-r=0 \mathrm{~And~}r-p&=0;~[\scriptsize\text{Since the sum of some squares is }0 \text{, hence they must be separately }0.] \\ \Rightarrow p=q \mathrm{~And~}q=r \mathrm{~And~}r=p\\ \Rightarrow p=q=r \end{align}$


Therefore, from no$\mathrm{(i)}$, we can conclude that

$$p+q+r=0 \mathrm{~Or~} p=q=r$$.


So the correct answer is C.

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1 comment

Same as I was hoping to see :)
15 votes
15 votes
$\begin{bmatrix} p & q &r \\ q & r & p\\ r & p & q \end{bmatrix}$$\begin{bmatrix} x\\ y\\ z \end{bmatrix} = $ $\begin{bmatrix} 0\\ 0\\ 0 \end{bmatrix}$

$R_1 \rightarrow R_1 + R_2 + R_3$

$\begin{bmatrix} p+q+r & p+q+r &p+q+r \\ p & r & p\\ r & p & q \end{bmatrix}$

option C is $p + q + r = 0 \text{ or } p = q = r$

$\begin{bmatrix} 0 & 0 & 0 \\ p & r & p\\ r & p & q \end{bmatrix}$$\begin{bmatrix} x\\ y\\ z \end{bmatrix} = $ $\begin{bmatrix} 0\\ 0\\ 0 \end{bmatrix}$

For non-trivial solution,

if $AX = 0$ then Rank(A) $\leq$ number of unknowns

2 $\leq$ 3

Hence, C is the answer

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