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Quantitative Aptitude: Test by Bikram | General Aptitude | Test 2 | Question: 24
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A dishonest shopkeeper marks up the price of his goods by $20 \%$ and gives a discount of $10 \%$ to the customer. Besides, he also cheats both his supplier and his buyer by $100$ grams while buying and selling $1$ kilogram. Find the percentage profit earned by the shopkeeper.

  1. $31 \%$
  2. $32 \%$
  3. $35 \%$
  4. $29 \%$
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3 Answers

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He cheats his supplier by 100 grams:  Suppose he buys 1100 grams for Rs 1000.  (1)

And sells 900 grams at CP of 1 kg i.e. Rs 1000 (discounts etc will be added later)

Marked Price for 900 grams = 1000 + 20% of 1000 = Rs 1200

And after 10% discount, selling price for 900 grams = 90% of MP = 90 % of 1200 = Rs 1080

Cost Price of 900 grams from (1)  = Rs $\frac{1000}{1100} * 900$

Thus, for 900 grams:

$1080 = \frac{100+x}{100} * \frac{1000}{1100} * 900$

x = 32%

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While buying
He buys 1100 grams instead of 1000 gms. Suppose he bought 1100 grams for Rs. 1000
While selling
He sell only 900 grams when he takes the money for 1 kg. Now as per question he sells at a 8% profit. (20% markup & 10 % discount)
Hence his selling price is Rs.1080 for 900 grams, to calculate profit percentage
we will equate the money.
1100 grams for Rs. 1000 (Buying)
1188 grams for Rs. 1080
900 grams for Rs. 1080 (selling)
Hence profit % = 288/9 = 32%
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MP = (120/100)*CP       SP = (90/100)*MP  

Solving these we get Profit as 8%

Now Rs 1000 he buy 1100gm So CP of 900 gm is Rs 9000/11  he Sells 900gm with a profit of 8% so SP=1080    

Profit % =  (SP-CP)/CP *100    =   (1080-(9000/11))  /  (9000/11)     = 0.32  or 32%

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