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1 answer
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1 answer
Let $D_1 = det \begin{pmatrix}a & b & c\\x &y & z\\p& q & r\end{pmatrix}$ and $D_2 = det \begin{pmatrix}-x & a & -p\\y &-b & q\\z & -c & r\end{pmatrix}$Then$D_1 = D_2$$D_...
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0 answers
What is the minimum value of $\mid z+w \mid$ for complex numbers $z$ and $w$ with $zw = 1$?$0$$1$$2$$3$
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1 answer
The value of the integral ${\LARGE \int} _{0}^{\pi}\dfrac{x}{1+sin^2x}dx$ is$2\sqrt2\pi^2$$\dfrac{\pi^2}{2\sqrt2}$$\dfrac{\pi^2}{\sqrt2}$$\sqrt2\pi^2$
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2 answers
The sum of an infinite geometric series of real numbers is $14$, and the sum of the cubes of the terms of this series is $392$. Then the first term of the series is$-14$$...
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2 answers
The value of $\displaystyle{\lim_{x\to 0}}$ $\sin x \sin(\dfrac{1}{x})$$\text{is 0}$$\text{is 1}$$\text{is 2}$$\text{does not exist}$
1 votes
1 answer
How many pair of positive integers of $(m,n)$ are there satisfying$$\displaystyle{\sum_{i=1}^{n}i! = m!}$$$0$$1$$2$$3$
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1 answer
If $\mid 2^z \mid = 1$ for a non-zero complex number $z$ then which one of the following is necessarily true$Re(z)=0$$\mid z \mid =1$$Re(z) = 1$$\text{No such z exists}$
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2 answers
Two integers $m$ and $n$ are chosen at random with replacement from the natural numbers $1,2,.....9$. The probability that $m^2-n^2$ is divisible by $4$ is$\dfrac{41}{81}...
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2 answers
The four distinct points $(-a,-b),(0,0),(a,b),(a^2,ab)$ arevertices of parallelogramvertices of rectanglecollinearlying on a circle
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0 answers
The locus of the center of a circle that passes through origin and cuts off a length $2a$ from the line $y=c$ is$x^2+2cx=a^2+c^2$$x^2+2cy=a^2+c^2$$y^2+cx=a^2+c^2$$y^2+2cy...
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0 answers
The area bounded by the curves $arg(z) = \pi/3, arg(z) = 2\pi/3$ and $arg(z-2-2\sqrt3i)=\pi$ on the complex plane is given by$2\sqrt3$$4\sqrt3$$\sqrt3$$3\sqrt3$
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3 answers
Let $X_1,X_2,X_3,X_4$ be i.i.d. random variables each assuming the value $1$ and $-1$ with probability $\dfrac{1}{2}$ each. Then, the probability that the matrix $\begin{...
1 votes
0 answers
$E1$ and $E2$ are two events such that $P(E1) = 0.2$ and $P(E2) = 0.5$.What are the minimum and maximum possible values of $P(\dfrac{\text{complement of (E1)}}{\text{comp...
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1 answer
Number of integers $x$ between $1$ and $95$ such that $96$ divides $60x$ is$0$$7$$8$$11$
1 votes
3 answers
The function f:[0,3]->[1,29] defined by f(x)=2*X^3 -15*X^2+36*X+1 isa) injective and surjectiveb) injective but not surjectivec) injective but not surjectived) neither in...