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Recent activity by ram_18051996 / GATE Overflow for GATE CSE

Recent activity by ram_18051996

1 answers
L1={$a^nb^m$:n>=0,m>n}L2={$a^nb^{2n}$:n>=0}find the grammar for L1L2
4 answers
Consider a function $f(x) = 1- |x| \text{ on } -1 \leq x \leq 1$. The value of $x$ at which the function attains a maximum, and the maximum value of the function are:$0, ...
1 answers
Is (S, R) a poset if S is the set of all people in the world and (a, b) ∈ R, where a and b are people,if a is not taller than b?
1 answers
R is a relation on the set of all functions from Z to Z.R = { (f, g) | for some C ∈ Z , for all x ∈ Z , f(x) - g(x) = C } is it Equivalence relation or not ?
1 answers
{ a } ∈ A buta ∉ Awhy ?here ' a is the element of set {a} ' ,and ' set {a} is the element of A" , so " a also element of A " . please clear my doubt .
2 answers
Given that LHS : [(∃x,α(x))→β]RHS : [∃x,α(x)→β]Here α(x) is a first order formula with x as a free variable, and β is a first order formula with no free v...
2 answers
Given that LHS : [(∃x,α(x))→β]RHS : [∃x,α(x)→β]than which one is valid ?a) LHS → RHSb) RHS → LHS
1 answers
3 answers
Show that proposition $C$ is a logical consequence of the formula$$A\wedge \left(A \to \left(B \vee C\right)\right) \wedge \left( B \to \neg A\right)$$using truth tables....
1 answers
Let $C(x)$ be the statement “$x$ has a cat,” let $D(x)$ be the statement “$x$ has a dog,” and let $F(x)$ be the statement “$x$ has a ferret.” Express each of ...
Total PHP MySQL Other RAM
Time (ms) % Time (ms) % File count Time (ms) % Query count Time (ms) % Amount %
Setup 6.1 21% 5.0 18% 72 1.5 5% 2 0.0 0% 569k 54%
Control 16.0 57% 1.2 4% 4 15.1 54% 8 0.0 0% 199k 19%
View 1.2 4% 1.1 4% 4 0.1 0% 1 0.0 0% 22k 2%
Theme 4.6 16% 3.9 13% 18 0.8 2% 3 0.0 0% 244k 23%
Total 27.9 100% 11.3 40% 98 17.4 62% 14 0.0 0% 1036k 100%