in Mathematical Logic
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Each inhabitant of a remote village always tells the truth or always lies. A villager will only give a "Yes" or a "No" response to a question a tourist asks. Suppose you are a tourist visiting this area and come to a fork in the road. One branch leads to the ruins you want to visit, the other branch leads deep into the jungle. A villager is standing at the fork in the road. What one question can you ask the villager to determine which branch to take?

in Mathematical Logic

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assuming left is the answer.

A) It is true that you are the truth teller and the left road leads to ruins or you are a liar and the right road leads to ruins?

B) If I ask you whether the left road leads to ruins, you will say yes, won't you?

C) If I ask the other kind of person whether the right road leads to the ruins, he will say yes, won't he?

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ok we are tourist here so we don't know the road and let's assume right one is the correct road and we asked same A question so before reaching or part the liar will make the statement $\sim$(F $\wedge$ F ) True
hence he is a liar he complemented and made that true so what can we interpret from this? is 1 the correct road or he is the one telling the truth?
oh no my reasoning is wrong you are right
complement is done on the whole expression

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