in Graph Theory
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Please help with the following:-

1)How to determine if a graph is bipartite or not?

2)What is meant by ordered pair in case of a directed graph and unordered pair in case of an undirected graph?
in Graph Theory

1 Answer

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How to determine if a graph is bipartite or not?

Method 1:-

Chromatic no.of graph = atmost 2


Method 2:-

There is no odd-length cycle in the graph.

What is meant by ordered pair in case of a directed graph and unordered pair in case of an undirected graph?


This is undirected graph, How you represent an edge? 

(A,B) = (B,A) ===> un-ordered pair.


it is directed graph, (A,B) means edge from A to B,

(B,A) means edge from B to A

those are not equal i.e., (A,B) ≠ (B,A) ===> edge representation is a ordered pair

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@Shaik Masthan,Superb Bhai. Can you please elaborate on the chromatic number?

chromatic number means, minimum no.of colors needed to color every vertex where two adjacent vertices can't be get same color.

in the above graph, color A with C1, then you can't color B and C with C1, therefore choose C2 for B and Choose C3 for C, Choose either C1 or C2 to D ( but you can't choose C3 due to C is adjacent to C, let say C1 for D ), Now for coloring E, you have the choice of C2 and C3 but not C1 due to D is adjacent to E.

so, totally we use 3 colors to color the graph.

But note that Finding chromatic number of a graph is NP-Complete Problem.

For more clarity should read all comments and answers of

@Shaik Masthan, You are so thorough with concepts Brother. :). Just awesome. A big Thanks to you. :)

A big Thanks to you. :)

brother, No need to add this

@Shaik Masthan,I'll remember. :)
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