in Analytical Aptitude recategorized by
11 votes
11 votes

$M$ and $N$ had four children $P$, $Q$, $R$ and $S$. Of them, only $P$ and $R$ were married. They had children $X$ and $Y$ respectively. If $Y$ is a legitimate child of $W$, which of the following statements is necessarily FALSE?

  1. $M$ is the grandmother of $Y$
  2. $R$ is the father of $Y$
  3. $W$ is the wife of $R$
  4. $W$ is the wife of $P$
in Analytical Aptitude recategorized by
Migrated from GO Mechanical 4 years ago by Arjun

1 comment

I think, here it’s imp. to understand the line mentioned: “They had children X and Y respectively”, (note the word respectively) which means that P had child X, and R had child Y.


1 Answer

8 votes
8 votes
Best answer

$M$ and $N$ had four children $P$, $Q$, $R$ and $S$.

It means $M$ and $N$ are couple.

Only $P$ and $R$ were married. 

They had children $X$ and $Y$ respectively.

It means child of $P$ is $X$ and child of $R$ is $Y.$

If $Y$ is a legitimate child of $W$ we can conclude that $W$ and $R$ are couple.

  1. $M$ is the grandmother of $Y-$ Possible, can also be grand father.
  2. $R$ is the father of $Y-$ Possible, can also be mother.
  3. $W$ is the wife of $R-$ Possible, can also be husband.
  4. $W$ is the wife of $P{\color{Red}{-\text{False}}},$ $W$ is either wife of $R$ or husband of $R.$

So, the correct answer is $(D).$

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It means M and N are couple.

 How you can say they are couples may be they are not. what if M is father of P and Q and N is father of R and S..??


@Kiyoshi because, in the Q. it's written “M and N had four children P, Q, R and S.”


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