in Quantitative Aptitude edited by
6 votes
6 votes

In how many ways $3$ scholarships can be awarded to $4$ applicants, when each applicant can receive any number of scholarships?

  1. $4$ 
  2. $12$ 
  3. $64$ 
  4. $81$
in Quantitative Aptitude edited by

2 Answers

12 votes
12 votes
Best answer

One scholarship can be awarded to $4$ applicants in $4$ ways. Three scholarship can be awarded to

$4$ applicants in $4^{3} = 64$ ways.

(All scholarship are independent, any student can get any no of scholarships between 0 and 3)

Correct Answer: $C$

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Why it is not n+r-1cr format? 6c3=20 ways
Because the scholarships and applicants are both distinguishable. This is not explicitly given, but it is understood.

Why the option is not $4^{4}$ ??

I mean 3 scholarships available and each student can have 4 choices = {0,1,2,3}

Here 0 means the student haven’t got the scholarship and 3 means it have all the 3 scholarships.

So,   it should be   =   4 * 4 * 4 * 4   =  $4^{4}$.     (one 4 for each student)


1 vote
1 vote

Added this answer for extra clarity.

Take 1st scholarship, it can be given to any of the 4 applicants. So 4 ways.

As it is given that,

each applicant can receive any number of scholarships

An applicant can have any number of scholarships from 0 to all 3. Suppose an applicant gets all 3 scholarships, the rest of the applicants will get no scholarships.

So it is possible that the applicant having the 1st scholarship may also get the 2nd scholarship.

Take 2nd scholarship, it can also be given to any of the 4 applicants. So 4 ways.

Take 3rd scholarship, it can also be given to any of the 4 applicants. So 4 ways.

Total number of ways 3 scholarships can be given to 4 applicants = 4 * 4 * 4 = 64 ways.


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