in Graph Theory edited by
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For the graph shown, which of the following paths is a Hamilton circuit?

  2. $AEDCBAF$
  3. $AEFDCBA$
  4. $AFCDEBA$
in Graph Theory edited by

7 Answers

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In hamiltonian circuit all vertices should be covered in the path without repetition of vertices. (and initial and final vertex should be same)

A. vertices are repeated no need to check.

B. A comes twice. Intuitively after AFC is traversed, you can note that we can either go to B side or ED side. So all vertices cannot be traversed after this.

D. No edge between E and B.


C satisfies all condition. So C is correct.

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for this type of question go by option because there is no certain formula to find hamiltonian circuit

(A) for hamiltonian path vertices cannot be repeated so ignore that

(B)for circuit condition first vertices eula to last vertices so ignore that

(c)after visiting the graph each vertices is visited once and first vertices equal last vertices

(D)no each between e and b so ignore that option also.

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