in Web Technologies retagged by
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Which of the following statements is/are False? 

  1. XML overcomes the limitations in HTML to support a structured way of organizing content .
  2. XML specification is not case sensitive while HTML specification is case sensitive.
  3. XML supports user defined tags while HTML uses pre-defined tags.
  4. XML tags need not be closed while HTML tags must be closed.
  1. $2$ only.
  2. $1$ only.
  3. $2$ and $4$ only.
  4. $3$ and $4$ only.
in Web Technologies retagged by

1 Answer

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HTML is used to display data and focuses on how data looks.HTML is not case sensitive.HTML has its own predefined tags.In HTML, it is not necessary to use a closing tag.HTML is a presentation language.

XML is a software and hardware independent tool used to transport and store data. It focuses on what data is.XML provides a framework to define markup languages.XML is case sensitive.XML makes it mandatory to use a closing tag.You can define tags according to your need.
Ans is option c.

1 comment

In HTML, it is not necessary to use a closing tag

Ex : <br> tag which inserts a single line break in HTML. Few other self closing tags are <img>, <input>, <hr>, etc.

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