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Does gate preparation like studing engineering mathematics, discrete mathematics, algorithm and data structures helps in competitive programming?
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The GATE syllabus consists mostly of the topics of Competitive Programming i.e.

Searching, Sorting, DP, Greedy, Trees, Graphs, Array, String, Number Theory, Algebra, Recursion , Combinatorics, and Probability, etc.

GATE questions are very good in terms of logic and concepts, they will improve problem-solving skills which will definitely help in CP.

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Yes, studying engineering mathematics, discrete mathematics, algorithms, and data structures can be very helpful for competitive programming.

Engineering mathematics is a fundamental subject that covers topics such as calculus, linear algebra, and differential equations. This subject helps you develop a strong foundation in mathematical concepts, which is essential for solving complex problems in computer science and programming.

Discrete mathematics is another important subject that deals with discrete structures such as graphs, sets, and logic. It provides the necessary theoretical background for understanding algorithms and data structures, which are crucial for competitive programming.

Algorithms and data structures are the backbone of computer programming. Understanding algorithms and data structures can help you develop efficient and optimized solutions to complex problems. Competitive programming often involves solving problems in limited time, and a good understanding of algorithms and data structures can help you come up with optimal solutions quickly.

Overall, studying engineering mathematics, discrete mathematics, algorithms, and data structures can provide a solid foundation for competitive programming and help you become a more skilled and efficient programmer.

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