in Mathematical Logic edited by
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9 votes
  • If the bank receipt is forged, then Mr. M is liable.
  • If Mr. M is liable, he will go bankrupt.
  • If the bank will loan him money, he will not go bankrupt.
  • The bank will loan him money.

Which of the following can be concluded from the above statements?

  1. Mr. M is liable
  2. The receipt is not forged
  3. Mr. M will go bankrupt
  4. The bank will go bankrupt
in Mathematical Logic edited by

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1 Answer

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Let bank receipt is forged = F

Let Mr. M is liable = L

Let Bank will loan him money = M

Let he will go bankrupt = B


Now, it is given that the bank will loan him money → M


F → L = ~L → ~F

L → B = ~B → ~L

M → ~B


M means ~B means ~L means ~F

So, the receipt is not forged (b) is the correct answer.


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