in Mathematical Logic edited by
7 votes
7 votes

Consider a proposition given as:

$x \geq 6$, if $x^2 \geq 25 $ and and its proof as:

If $x \geq 6$, then $x^2 =x.x \geq 6.6 = 36 \geq 25$

Which of the following is correct with respect to the given proposition and its proof?

  1. The proof shows the converse
  2. The proof starts by assuming what is to be shown
  3. The proof is correct and there is nothing wrong
  1. $​a$ only
  2. $c$ only
  3. $a$ and $b$
  4. $b$ only
in Mathematical Logic edited by

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3 Answers

4 votes
4 votes
As per question,

if $x^2$ >= 25 then x >= 6

but the proof shows the converse and has started with what had to be proved ultimately thus option c is correct.
0 votes
0 votes
questions says  

p= x>=6

q= x^2 >= 25

p if q it will be

q implies p

but its proof says p implies q

hence option c
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0 votes
The proof is not correct because converse of a statement is not true.

P → Q != Q → P (converse isn’t true)

P → Q == (~Q → ~P) (contrapositive is true)


same doubt bhai did you find why this proof by converse is true?
I said proof by converse is never true. In the proof it is given converse of the statement so proof is false.

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