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Given below are two statements :

Statement I: The All India Council of Technical Education $\text{(AICTE)}$ was established in $1956$ in order to ensure planned and oordinated development of technical education in India.

Statement II: Technical Education was defined as programmes of education in engineering, technology, architecture, town planning, management, pharmacy and applied arts and crafts.

In the light of the above statements, choose the correct answer from the options given below :

  1. Both Statement $\text{I}$ and Statement $\text{II}$ are true.
  2. Both Statement $\text{I}$ and Statement $\text{II}$ are false.
  3. Statement $\text{I}$ is true but Statement $\text{II}$ is false.
  4. Statement $\text{I}$ is false but Statement $\text{II}$ is true.

(Option $1[39877]) 1$
(Option $2[39878]) 2$
(Option $3 [39879]) 3$
(Option $4[39880]) 4$

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