in Quantitative Aptitude edited by
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​​​​​Person $1$ and Person $2$ invest in three mutual funds $\text{A, B}$, and $\text{C}$. The amounts they invest in each of these mutual funds are given in the table.

\hline & \text{Mutual fund A} & \text{Mutual fund B} & \text{Mutual fund C} \\
\hline \text{Person} 1 & 10,000 & 20,000 & 20,000 \\
\hline \text{Person} 2 & 20,000 & 15,000 & 15,000 \\

At the end of one year, the total amount that Person $1$ gets is ₹$500$ more than Person $2$. The annual rate of return for the mutual funds $\text{B}$ and $\mathrm{C}$ is $15 \%$ each. What is the annual rate of return for the mutual fund $\mathrm{A}$?

  1. $7.5 \%$
  2. $10 \%$
  3. $15 \%$
  4. $20 \%$

in Quantitative Aptitude edited by

2 Answers

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Answer - B

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For MF B and C 
P1 invests 40k @ 15%
P2 invests 30k @ 15% Here P1 exceeds P2 by 11500
but after Involving all MFs B, C, and A; P1 exceeds P2 by 500

So, Diff in Return of MF A is 11000 which is equal to (20k -10k) * x / 100
x = 100* 11000 / 10k
x = 110; Rate will be 10%

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