in Quantitative Aptitude edited by
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The probability of a boy or a girl being born is $1 / 2$. For a family having only three children, what is the probability of having two girls and one boy?

  1. $3 / 8$
  2. $1 / 8$
  3. $1 / 4$
  4. $1 / 2$

in Quantitative Aptitude edited by

4 Answers

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4 votes

Ans I think would be A. 3/8

As given, Probability of a boy or girl being born is 1/2.
Also it is asked that what is the probability of having 2 girls and 1 boy for a family having ONLY 3 children.

We have a combination of

= B*G*G + G*B*G + G*G*B
= 1/2 * 1/2 * 1/2 + 1/2 * 1/2 * 1/2 + 1/2 * 1/2 * 1/2
= 3/8.

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1 vote

Given that there are 3 children, the possibilities are:

  1. All boys - B B B

  2. All girls - G G G

  3. 2 boys and 1 girl - B B G

  4. 2 girls and 1 boy - G G B

Observe that here the order of children being born would not matter, as any ordering will contain the same number of boys/girls.

So the required probability would be 1/4.


I support this answer
when we define the probability, we also have to define the sample space. In your case sample space is having 4 events and your answer indicates that they are equally likely.

It means that having 3 boys also have the probability 1/4 but as per the given question it should be 1/2*1/2*1/2=1/8 assuming having any boy is an independent event.

Order does not matter that's why answer is $\frac{\#\{GGB,GBG,BGG\}}{\#\{BBB,BBG,BGB,BGG,GBB,BBG,GGB,GGG\}}=\frac{3}{8}$
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1 vote
A. 3/8

There are mutually exclusive and exhaustive cases.

P(all 3 child boy) + P(all 3 child girl ) + P(2 boy and 1 girl child ) + P(1 boy and 2 girl child) =1.

Because of symmetry cases, P(all 3 child boy)  = P(all 3 child girl ) =1/8

so, P(2 boy and 1 girl child ) = P(1 boy and 2 girl child) = (1-1/8 -1/8)/2 =3/8
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3 children where each of them can be either B or G - so $2^3 = 8$ possibilities.

Favorable case is any permutation of "BGG". So, number of favorable cases $ = 3!/2! = 3.$

So, required probability $ = 3/8.$

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