in Analytical Aptitude edited by
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​​​​​​Thousands of years ago, some people began dairy farming. This coincided with a number of mutations in a particular gene that resulted in these people developing the ability to digest dairy milk.

Based on the given passage, which of the following can be inferred?

  1. All human beings can digest dairy milk.
  2. No human being can digest dairy milk.
  3. Digestion of dairy milk is essential for human beings.
  4. In human beings, digestion of dairy milk resulted from a mutated gene.

in Analytical Aptitude edited by

2 Answers

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Based on the given passage, the inference that can be made is:

D. In human beings, digestion of dairy milk resulted from a mutated gene.

This inference can be drawn because the passage mentions that mutations in a particular gene coincided with people developing the ability to digest dairy milk. This suggests that the ability to digest dairy milk is linked to a specific genetic mutation, rather than being a universal trait among all human beings. Therefore, option D is the most appropriate inference based on the information provided.
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A) All Human beings can digest Dairy Milk - Not a valid conclusion from the passage, The passage did not imply that all Humans are capable of digesting Dairy Milk
B) No Human being can digest Dairy Milk - False as the passage is about how humans developed the ability to digest Dairy Milk

C) Digestion of Dairy Milk is essential for human beings - Not a valid option as the passage did not have any information related to the essential usage of Dairy Milk

D) This is the most suitable option, as the passage is clearly mentions the mutation of gene that resulted in humans developing the ability to digest Dairy Milk

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