in Computer Graphics edited by
4 votes
4 votes

Which of the following is true about $z$-buffer algorithm?

  1. It is a depth sort algorithm
  2. No limitation on total number of objects
  3. Comparisons of objects is done
  4. $z$-buffer is initialized to background colour at start of algorithm
in Computer Graphics edited by

7 Answers

10 votes
10 votes

A is definitely  not true  Z-buffer is not depth sort it is depth buffer . Painters algorithm is called depth sort or priority algorithm

B is true in Z-buffer algo total number of objects can be arbitrary large . it is only limited by computer memory

C is not true objects are not compared only depth value is comapred

D is not true z-buffer is initialize to zero the depth of back clipping plane 

screen(frame buffer is initialized to background color)

hence ans is B refe

1 comment

z buffer is initilized to infinity i guess? then the depths of each pixel of the polygon are compared with the values.
4 votes
4 votes

Answer : It is a depth Sort algorithm .I don't know much about it .So i can't tell you the details .You can refer it if you want to learn more about it.

Reference ::

4 votes
4 votes

Answer is D).

z buffer is a depth buffer algorithm in which it is initialized to background colour at the start .

It is used for hidden surface elimination.

1 vote
1 vote
It should be A , not D. Primary purpose is to determine visual surface first and then remove background hidden surface.
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