in Mathematical Logic edited by
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37 votes

Consider the statement

 "Not all that glitters is gold”

Predicate glitters$(x)$ is true if $x$ glitters and predicate gold$(x)$ is true if $x$ is gold.  Which one of the following logical formulae represents the above statement?

  1. $\forall x: \text{glitters} (x)\Rightarrow \neg \text{gold}(x)$
  2. $\forall x:\text{gold} (x)\Rightarrow \text{glitters}(x)$
  3. $\exists x: \text{gold}(x)\wedge \neg \text{glitters}(x)$
  4. $\exists x: \text{glitters}(x)\wedge \neg \text{gold}(x)$
in Mathematical Logic edited by


option B is not true because it says that " All gold glitters " which cannot be extracted from "Not all that glitters is gold"

we can only extract from this statement is "Some that glitters is not gold  "
We don't know about the gold that all of it glitters or not

Understand the Difference between this & this.

If it says "None of that glitters is gold" then $\sim (\forall x(glitters(x)\rightarrow Gold(x)))$ will not work because this is saying some of that glitters is not gold (or) all of that glitters is not gold,  not None of that glitters is gold.


Think domain as all the metals in the world.

Note :- glitter means “shines”

Understand meaning of each option in english below :-

Option A :- All the metals which glitter are not gold. (false because word “all” means gold are also included but gold always glitter)

Option B :- All the metals which are gold are glitter (although this statement is true but it not saying same thing as this statement “Not all that glitters is gold”)

Option C :- there exist a metal x which is gold but not glitter (this statement is always false)

Option D :- there exist a metal x which glitter but not gold (this is same statement that we have given in question)

So, option D is correct.


6 Answers

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The statement "Not all that glitters is gold" can be translated into logic as: "There exists something that glitters but is not gold."

Using the predicates defined above, this statement translates to:

∃x: glitters (x) ∧ ⇁ gold (x)

Therefore, the correct answer is option (D).


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