in Analytical Aptitude
2 votes
2 votes

A flat is shared by four first year undergraduate students. They agreed to allow the oldest of them to enjoy some extra space in the flat. Manu is two months older than Sravan, who is three months younger than Trideep. Pavan is one month older than Sravan. Who should occupy the extra space in the flat?

  1. Manu
  2. Sravan
  3. Trideep
  4. Pavan
in Analytical Aptitude

2 Answers

3 votes
3 votes
Best answer

Manu is two months older than Sravan
$\implies M=2+S$

Sravan, is three months younger than Trideep
$\implies T=3+S=M+1$

Pavan is one month older than Sravan
$\implies P=1+S = M-1 = T - 2$

So, $S < P < M < T.$

Option C. Trideep is the oldest.

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option C Trideep is the oldest one

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