in Analytical Aptitude edited by
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8 votes

The number that least fits this set: $(324$, $441$, $97$ and $64)$ is ________.

  1. $324$
  2. $441$
  3. $97$
  4. $64$
in Analytical Aptitude edited by

6 Answers

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Best answer

Let’s analyse each of the given options

  1. $324$

Sum of every digit $=3+2+4 = 9 =3^2$

  1. $441$

Sum of every digit $=4+4+1 = 9 =3^2$

  1. $97$

Sum of every digit $=9+7 = 16 =4^2$

  1. $64$

Sum of every digit $=6+4 = 10$

The sum of every digit in each these numbers $324,441,97$ is a perfect square whereas $64$ doesn’t produce sum as a perfect square.

By this logic, option D is the correct answer.

  1. $324=(18)^2 $
  1. $441=(21)^2$
  1. $97$ is not a perfect square of any number.
  1. $64=(8)^2$

By this logic, option C is the correct answer.

Hence both options C and D are correct.

As per Official answer key, both options C and D are correct.

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9 votes

Ans. (C)

$324 = (18)^2$ 

$441 = (21)^2$

$64 = (8)^2$

Where as $97$ is not perfect square of any number.

Therefore, ans is (c)

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97 is not a perfect square
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1 vote
97 as it is not perfect square no.

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