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Compiler Design: GATE CSE 1999 | Question: 2.14
5 votes
5 votes

The number of tokens in the FORTRAN statement DO 10 I = 1.25 is

  1. 3
  2. 4
  3. 5
  4. None of the above

4 Answers

Best answer
11 votes
11 votes

(a) 3 is Answer , 
token1= DO10I ,

token2= '='


Within the statement field, blanks were generally ignored, allowing the programmer to omit space between tokens for brevity, or include spaces within identifiers for clarity (for example, AVG OF X was a valid identifier, and equivalent to AVGOFX). 

reference @

selected by
6 votes
6 votes

5 tokens






3 votes
3 votes
This is a fortran statement and in fortran blanks in fixed-format are ignored hence, in fortran this statement is considered as an instance of the identifier. So number of tokens will be 3 (DO5I, =,1.25).

If statement was like DO 5 I = 1,25 then it would have been considered as a DO statement.

Reference : - Dragon book, Page number 113 second edition.

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