in IISc/IITs
3 votes
3 votes

COAP registration has started and I have registered for it. But After the registration process, They have asked to Submit details of ALL Valid GATE Scores (2016,2017,2018, if any) and have a Warning under it which goes " Failing to do so will lead to disqualification". I Do Not have my 2016 GATE details But I had Qualified in 2016, so it counts as a valid GATE score But I don't have registration number, Score card or anything from which I can get my registration number. I only have my GATE 2016 Enrollment ID and using it I have tried to get my registration number from GATE 2016 Organizing committee i.e. IISc But They are not sending OTP on my registered Mail ID (I don't remember my Registered mobile number)

What should I do? If I do not submit my 2016 registration number then will it cause trouble to me as they say "Failing to do so will lead to disqualification"??

My GATE 2018 AIR is 67 and GATE 2017 AIR is 1278 and I only have details about these Two Score Cards. 

Kindly Help me out on this. 

in IISc/IITs

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COAP 2018

Email: [email protected]

Telephone: 044-22578200Help-Desk Timings:
9:30am-1:00pm and 2:00pm-5:30pm (Monday-Friday)
(Note: Candidates are requested to call us on Government working days only)


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