in IISc/IITs edited by
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Did anyone get any offer from IIT Hyderabad?

If not, then does anyone have an idea how IIT Hyderabad is planning to take admission?
in IISc/IITs edited by


I think they will skip first two coap rounds, then give admission offers to students who are already admitted to some other IITs and then after remaining top rankers would have joined NITs they would call everyone for interview. Doesn't make sense does it?
On the IITH site a new message is being shown:

Candidates who have chosen ‘Retain and Wait’ under “IIT Hyderabad” on COAP 2018, will be considered in the next Round of offers. Hence, candidates must visit COAP 2018 and make decision on available offer(s) in the next Round. The schedule of time window for the next Round of offers is displayed on COAP 2018.

So I think they have made some offers in the first round of COAP.

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