in Digital Logic edited by
85 votes
85 votes

Consider a carry look ahead adder for adding two $n$-bit integers, built using gates of fan-in at most two. The time to perform addition using this adder is

  1. $\Theta (1)$
  2. $\Theta (\log(n))$
  3. $\Theta (\sqrt{n})$
  4. $\Theta (n)$)
in Digital Logic edited by


So is O(log n) true for CLA carry also for fan in = 2?
Yes it's O(logn).

9 Answers

126 votes
126 votes
Best answer

Look ahead carry generator gives output in constant time if fan in $=$ number of inputs. 

Example, it will take  $O(1)$ to calculate $c_4 = g_3 + p_3g_2 + p_3p_2g_1 + p_3p_2p_1g_0 + p_3p_2p_1p_0c_0$, if OR gate with $5$ inputs is present.

If we have $8$ inputs, and OR gate with $2$ inputs, to build an OR gate with $8$ inputs, we will need $4$ gates in level-$1, 2$ in level-$2$ and $1$ in level-$3$. Hence, $3$ gate delays, for each level.

Similarly an $n$-input gate constructed with $2$-input gates, total delay will be $O(\log n).$

Hence, answer is option B.

edited by


Can anyone kindly give a diagramatic answer for this question or any link ?
Why we are only considering the OR gate inputs here,why not including the AND gates inputs here like for calculating C3=G2+P2G1+P2P1G0+P2P1P0C0.So here we should also consider two inputs for calculating AND operation for P2P1G0?
its a very short explanation did not get it
115 votes
115 votes

I didn't found any analysis to be satisfying, so I am posting this.

The carry generator circuit of 4-bit CLA(for example I have taken) is as below :

Now Below are my equations

$P_i=A_i \oplus B_i$ $,G_i=A_iB_i$


And for Sum $S_i=P_i \oplus C_i$

$C_0$ will be my input carry, and $C_4$ , will be my carry out of MSB of sum bit $S_3$

My Equations for carry generation circuit are:



And circuits for them using fan-in of gates to be 2 are below




And it's circuit is below



So, here my biggest term to do AND with consists of 4 terms, so I Need $log_24=2$ level of AND gates and I have 4 terms to OR together, so similarly 2 level of OR gates.

Now, you might say you have total 4 levels and your total time looks like $\theta(n)$, but before you say this, I ask you to not forget carry $C_4$


and it's circuit diagram with gates of fan-in two is below


Now, you see, it's a way bigger term than $C_3$ and here total level is only 5. Why don't levels increase in linear to the number of carry?

The biggest term in $C_4$ to be ANDed together consists of 5 terms and for this you need $\lceil log_25 \rceil=3$ level of AND gates and maximum terms to be ORed together is 5 so 3 level of OR gates.

So, for n bit carry look ahead adder, the biggest carry expression would be of $C_n$ and it would have a total delay of $log_2n(\,for\,AND\,gates\,) + log_2n(\,for\,OR\,gates\,)\,=2log_2n$

Okay, so my carry generation circuit would take $2log_2n$ time.

What about total sum? The sum bits?

The carry-look ahead generator would look like this


So, it is clear that my $P_i,G_i$ inputs are available in only 1 propagation delay (only 1 level) and once, carry bits are calculated, the sum bits will also be calculated in another just one propagation delay time unit (only 1 level gates).

So, my total time to get Sum=$2log_2n+2$ time units.

So, my operation time of carry look ahead adder designed using gates of fan-in 2 is $\theta(log_2n)$

Generalization: If the fan-in of the gates is $k$, carry generation will take $2log_kn$ time where n=Number of bits in the input.
When $k=n$(Means, there is no limit on fan-in of gates), carry generation takes $2log_nn=2$ time units of the propagation delay of gates.

Hence, Total Carry Look Ahead Adder time in such case would be $2log_kn+2$ propagation delay units.

When there is no limit on fan-in, then $k=n$ and hence in that case my carry look ahead adder delay is $2log_nn+2=4$ propagation time units and this will be independent of the number of bits present in the input.

edited by


best explanation !!

@Ayush Upadhyaya 🙏🙏



Thanks @Ayush Upadhyaya Sir, for this wonderful explanation.

this is really great explanation! thanks for posting this
17 votes
17 votes

option "b" 

$O(\log_2 n)$  

because as fan-in is at most 2 then we can use two variable to the i/p of one XOR gate and then one i/p and one o/p from previous XOR gate and so, on ..


Here we can measure time ccomplexity by OR gate only.

Because in one level result of OR gate require to measure the value in next level
why are we considering only OR gates? what about AND gate ? they are also of fan in 2?
in this question only addtion time is asked so we have to consider OR gates delays only which is required to add all those terms which are obtained after Anding all.
4 votes
4 votes

Answer : A

Ci+1 = G+ PiCi

Constant time because in Carry Lookahead both carry bit and sum bit available in constant time.

1 comment

But it has been mentioned that maximum fan-in is two.

Considering this, shouldn't the option be B?

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