in IIITs
9 votes
9 votes

hi ,

Please giide me how to prepare well for IIIT hyderabad and BITS HD exam.

Which subjects to focus on?

Please share previous year papers if anyone having.



in IIITs


that not fixed :).
Atleast what about previous year paper how many marks ??
as no. of questions are not fixed so marks are also not fixed can check on the link which i have given

warm regards


3 Answers

12 votes
12 votes
Study all subjects. Don't leave anything but prepare mathematics and algorithms as strong as u can.It would be better if u study " theorem with proofs" of discrete maths also because a maths professor would love to ask proofs.

It may be the case that your interview is over with questions asked only from maths and algo but opposite(all subjects excluding maths and algo) is not true.

Also professors in the interview panel will surely ask questions from their favourite subject.So u cannot predict whether they will ask CN or DBMS or OS etc  as u can't predict about your interview panel professors .

Also do solve some puzzles(both mathematical and technical) .You can find interview puzzles here also: .
5 votes
5 votes
Hi, for iiit hyd, there are two papers. 1st is aptitude paper. For this paper, i can refer to RS Agrawal. Dont go deep in it. But you should know how to approach to the different problems. There will be some questions based on 12th mathematics like 3d geometry, trigonometry. You should also prepare for that. And one more thing, this paper will also contain some C programming questions. Go through online c programming mcq sites, some good books for it.

Second paper will be based on core technical subjects. Just prepare like gate exam. That will be sufficient. I appeared last year for this exam and cracked it but couldnt crack intrview. Last yr most technical questions were asked from previous gate papers.

Hope this helps.
2 votes
2 votes

I'm From BITS Pilani , and I'm planning give IIIT H PGEE, mainly because I worked in Machine learning Company after my B E (in Electronics) and I want to switch field to Computer science.

Since not much time has left, I'm just browsing through previous years GATE papers and trying to find the areas from where most questions will be asked.

In most cases that should be sufficient.
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