in Set Theory & Algebra
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Are the following relations reflexive, symmetric, transitive, antisymmetric? Explain.
  1. Let $R$ be a relation on $\mathbb{Z}$ such that $(a, b) \in R$ iff $b=a$ or $b=-a$.
  2. Let $R$ be a relation on $\mathbb{R}$ such that $(a, b) \in R$ iff $a b \leq 0$.
  3. Let $R$ be a relation on $\mathbb{R}$ such that $(a, b) \in R$ iff $a+2 b=17$.
  4. Let $R$ be a relation on $\mathbb{R}$ such that $(a, b) \in R$ iff $a+b$ is a rational number, that is can be represented by a fraction.
in Set Theory & Algebra

1 Answer

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Ans-a) Reflexive, symmetric, transitive

Ans-b) Not reflexive, symmetric, not transitive

Ans-c) Not reflexive, not symmetric, not transitive

Ans-d) Reflexive, symmetric, transitive

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