in Set Theory & Algebra edited by
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Consider the following binary relations on the naturals (non-negative integers). Which ones are reflexive? Symmetric? Anti-symmetric? Transitive? Partial orders? Justify your claims.

  1. $A(x, y)$, defined to be true if and only if $y$ is even.
  2. $B(x, y)$, defined to be true if and only if $x
  3. $C(x, y)$, defined to be true if and only if $x+2 \geq y$.
  4. $D(x, y)$, defined to be true if and only if $x \neq y$.
  5. $E(x, y)$, defined to be true if and only if the English name of $x$ comes no later than the name of $y$ in alphabetical order. (So, for example, $E(8,81)$ is true because eight comes before eighty-one, and $E(8,8)$ is true because eight comes no later than eight.)
in Set Theory & Algebra edited by

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Let's analyze each binary relation one by one:


A. A(x, y): true if and only if y is even.


Reflexivity: A relation is reflexive if every element is related to itself. In this case, for any natural number x, A(x, x) is true if and only if x is even. Since every natural number is either even or odd, A(x, x) is true for all x. Therefore, the relation A is reflexive.


Symmetry: A relation is symmetric if whenever A(x, y) is true, A(y, x) is also true. In this case, if y is even, then x must also be even for A(x, y) to be true. Similarly, if x is even, then y must also be even for A(y, x) to be true. Thus, A(x, y) is symmetric.


Anti-symmetry: A relation is anti-symmetric if whenever A(x, y) and A(y, x) are both true, it implies that x = y. In this case, if both x and y are even, then A(x, y) and A(y, x) are both true. However, this does not imply that x = y, as there are multiple even numbers. For example, A(2, 4) and A(4, 2) are both true, but 2 is not equal to 4. Therefore, the relation A is not anti-symmetric.


Transitivity: A relation is transitive if whenever A(x, y) and A(y, z) are both true, it implies that A(x, z) is also true. In this case, if y is even and z is even, then A(y, z) is true. If x is even and y is even, then A(x, y) is true. From these premises, we can conclude that x is even, and thus A(x, z) is also true. Therefore, the relation A is transitive.


Partial order: A partial order is a relation that is reflexive, anti-symmetric, and transitive. Since the relation A is reflexive and transitive but not anti-symmetric, it is not a partial order.


B. B(x, y): true if and only if x < y.


Reflexivity: For any natural number x, B(x, x) is false because x is not less than itself. Therefore, the relation B is not reflexive.


Symmetry: If x < y, then it is not true that y < x unless x = y. Therefore, the relation B is not symmetric.


Anti-symmetry: If both x < y and y < x are true, then it implies that x = y. Therefore, the relation B is anti-symmetric.


Transitivity: If x < y and y < z, then it implies that x < z. Therefore, the relation B is transitive.


Partial order: The relation B satisfies reflexivity, anti-symmetry, and transitivity, making it a partial order.


C. C(x, y): true if and only if x divides y.


Reflexivity: For any natural number x, C(x, x) is true because x divides itself. Therefore, the relation C is reflexive.


Symmetry: If x divides y, then it is not necessarily true that y divides x unless x = y. Therefore, the relation C is not symmetric.


Anti-symmetry: If both x divides y and y divides x are true, then it implies that x = y. Therefore, the relation C is anti-symmetric.


Transitivity: If x divides y and y divides z, then it implies that x divides z. Therefore, the relation C is transitive.


Partial order: The relation C satisfies reflexivity, anti-symmetry, and transitivity, making it a partial order.


D. D(x, y): true if and only if x < y.


Reflexivity: For any natural number x, D(x, x) is false because x is not less than itself. Therefore, the relation D is not reflexive.


Symmetry: If x < y, then it is not true that y < x unless x = y. Therefore, the relation D is not symmetric.


Anti-symmetry: If both x < y and y < x are true, then it implies that x = y. Therefore, the relation D is anti-symmetric.


Transitivity: If x < y and y < z, then it implies that x < z. Therefore, the relation D is transitive.


Partial order: The relation D satisfies anti-symmetry and transitivity but not reflexivity, so it is not a partial order.


E. E(x, y): true if and only if the English name of x comes no later than the name of y in alphabetical order.


Reflexivity: For any natural number x, E(x, x) is true because the English name of x is the same as itself. Therefore, the relation E is reflexive.


Symmetry: If the English name of x comes no later than the name of y, it does not necessarily mean that the name of y comes no later than the name of x unless x = y. Therefore, the relation E is not symmetric.


Anti-symmetry: If both the English name of x comes no later than the name of y and the name of y comes no later than the name of x, then it implies that x = y. Therefore, the relation E is anti-symmetric.


Transitivity: If the English name of x comes no later than the name of y and the name of y comes no later than the name of z, then it implies that the English name of x comes no later than the name of z. Therefore, the relation E is transitive.


Partial order: The relation E satisfies reflexivity, anti-symmetry, and transitivity, making it a partial order.


To summarize:


A. Reflexive, symmetric, not anti-symmetric, transitive, not a partial order.

B. Not reflexive, not symmetric, anti-symmetric, transitive, a partial order.

C. Reflexive, not symmetric, anti-symmetric, transitive, a partial order.

D. Not reflexive, not symmetric, anti-symmetric, transitive, not a partial order.

E. Reflexive, not symmetric, anti-symmetric, transitive, a partial order.

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