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Directions (29-30): In each question below is given a statement followed by two course of action numbered $\text{(I)}$ and $\text{(II)}$. You have to assume everything in the statement to be true and on the basis of the information given in the statement, decide which of the suggested course of action logically follow (s) for pursuing. Give answer as:

(A) if only $\text{(I)}$ follows

(B) if only $\text{(I)}$ follows

(C) neither $\text{(I)}$ nor $\text{(II)}$ follows

(D) if both $\text{(I)}$ & $\text{(II)}$ follows

Statement: There has been large number of cases of Internet hacking in the recent months creating panic among the internet users.
Course of action :

$\text{(I)}$: The government machinery should make an all out effort to nab those who are responsible and put them behind the bars.

$\text{(II)}$: The internet users should be advised to stay away from using internet till the culprits are caught.

  1. only $\text{(I)}$ follows
  2. only $\text{(II)}$ follows
  3. neither $\text{(I)}$ nor $\text{(II)}$ follows
  4. both $\text{(I)}$ and $\text{(II)}$ follows


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Only (I) Follows.

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