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Others: NIELIT 2023 Feb Scientist D | Section A | Question: 12
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In the following number series, only one number is wrong. Find out the wrong number.


  1. $3478$
  2. $1418$
  3. $5675$
  4. $1077$


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Deprecated: Implicit conversion from float-string "1694704726.989" to int loses precision in /var/www/html/qadb/qa-include/app/format.php on line 796

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Deprecated: Implicit conversion from float-string "1694704722.107" to int loses precision in /var/www/html/qadb/qa-include/app/format.php on line 796

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Deprecated: Implicit conversion from float-string "1694704722.107" to int loses precision in /var/www/html/qadb/qa-include/app/format.php on line 803
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