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Directions for (64 and 65): Read the following information carefully to answer the following questions. On the occasion of an opening ceremony of a sports event, in a stadium, there are $600$ players who are participating in four different events, that is, Athletics, Table Tennis, Kho-Kho and Lawn Tennis. The ratio of male to female players is $11:4$. $30 \%$ of the female players are participating in Athletics. $10 \%$ of the female players are participating in Table Tennis. The remaining female players are participating in KhoKho and Lawn Tennis in the ratio of $1:3$. The ratio of male players who are participating in Athletics and other events together is $3: 5.4 \%$ of those male players who are not participating in Athletics are participating in Lawn Tennis. Remaining male players are participating in Table Tennis and Kho-Kho in the ratio $5:3$.

What is the total number of players (both males and females together) participating in Table Tennis and Athletics together?

  1. $360$
  2. $358$
  3. $374$
  4. None of these


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