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A contractor undertakes to build a wall in $50$ days. He employs $50$ people for the same. However, after $25$ days he finds that the work is only $40 \%$ complete. How many more men need to be employed to complete the work in time?

  1. $50$ men
  2. $75$ men
  3. $100$ men
  4. $25$ men


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1 Answer

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Work done = Number of people * Number of days * Work done per person per day

We know that the following information:

  • Total work to be done = 100%
  • Work done in 25 days = 40%
  • Number of people employed = 50
  • Number of days left = 25

We need to find the number of people needed to complete the remaining work in 25 days.

First, we need to find the amount of work done per person per day:

Work done per person per day = (Work done in 25 days) / (Number of people employed * Number of days)
Work done per person per day = (40%) / (50 people * 25 days)
Work done per person per day = 0.0032

Now, we can use this information to find the number of people needed to complete the remaining work in 25 days:

Number of people needed = (Remaining work) / (Work done per person per day * Number of days)
Number of people needed = (100% - 40%) / (0.0032 * 25 days)
Number of people needed = 75

Therefore, the contractor needs to employ 25 more people to complete the work in time.

Answer: 25


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