in Analytical Aptitude recategorized by
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Residency is a famous housing complex with many well-established individuals among its residents. A recent survey conducted among the residents of the complex revealed that all of those residents who are well established in their respective fields happen to be academicians. The survey also revealed that most of these academicians are authors of some best-selling books.

Based only on the information provided above, which one of the following statements can be logically inferred with certainty?

  1. Some residents of the complex who are well established in their fields are also authors of some best-selling books.
  2. All academicians residing in the complex are well established in their fields.
  3. Some authors of best-selling books are residents of the complex who are well established in their fields.
  4. Some academicians residing in the complex are well established in their fields.
in Analytical Aptitude recategorized by

2 Answers

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C is the answer.

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(A) Some residents of the complex who are well established in their fields are also authors of some best-selling books:

This statement is true because the information mentions that most academicians (who are all well-established residents) are authors of best-selling books. While it doesn't guarantee it applies to all well-established residents (as some might be from other professions), it suggests a connection between field success and authorship that applies to at least some residents.


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