in Analytical Aptitude edited by
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Human beings are one among many creatures that inhabit an imagined world. In this imagined world, some creatures are cruel. If in this imagined world, it is given that the statement "Some human beings are not cruel creatures" is $\text{FALSE,}$ then which of the following set of statement(s) can be logically inferred with certainty?

  1. All human beings are cruel creatures.
  2. Some human beings are cruel creatures.
  3. Some creatures that are cruel are human beings.
  4. No human beings are cruel creatures.
  1. only (i)
  2. only (iii) and (iv)
  3. only (i) and (ii)
  4. (i), (ii) and (iii)
in Analytical Aptitude edited by

1 Answer

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Statement $S1$:$-$ "Some human beings are not cruel creatures" is FALSE, this means either

(1)Some human beings are cruel creature(due to these human beings statement S1 is false) $->$ option (iii) too.
so opt (ii),(iii) are correct.

(2)what if not some but ALL human beings are cruel creatures
so opt (i) is correct too.



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