in Combinatory retagged by
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how many ways are there to arrange 6 girls and 15 boys in a circle such that there are atleast two boys between two adjacent girls?
in Combinatory retagged by

2 Answers

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2 votes
For every girl there are 2 boys one at left and other at right. so for 6 girls, 12 boys can be chosen in 15P12 ways.Now every girl and 2 boys are considered as group remaining 3 boys(15-12 boys) are also consider as we have total 9 group in total and this can be arrange in circular in (9-1)!=8!ways. Number of permutation satisfy the conditions equals 15P12*8!
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The boys can arrange them in 14! ways

there are 8 sits between atleat every 2 boys

Girls can arrange 8C3 ways

6 girls can arrange 6! ways

So, total 14! ⨉  8C3 ⨉ 6! ways

1 comment

how it is ensuring that there are atleast two boys between two adjacent girlsz?.check again.
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