in IS&Software Engineering retagged by
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4 votes

If $S_1$ is total number of modules defined in the program architecture, $S_3$ is the number of modules whose correct function depends on prior processing then the number of modules not dependent on prior processing is:

  1. $1+\frac{S_3}{S_1}$
  2. $1-\frac{S_3}{S_1}$
  3. $1+\frac{S_1}{S_3}$
  4. $1-\frac{S_1}{S_3}$
in IS&Software Engineering retagged by

1 Answer

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Ans is B 

There are a number of software quality indicators that are based on the measurable design characteristics of a computer program. Design structural quality index (DSQI) is one such measure. The following values must be ascertained to compute the DSQI

S1 = the total number of modules defined in the program architecture

S2 = the number of modules whose correct function depends on the source of data input or that produces data to be used elsewhere {in general control modules (among others) would not be counted as part of S2}

S3 = the number of modules whose correct function depends on prior processing

Program structure: D1, where D1 is defined as follows:

If the architectural design was developed using a distinct method( e.g., data flow-oriented design or object oriented design), then D1 = 1; otherwise D1 = 0.

Module independence: D2 = 1 -(S2/S1)

Module not dependent on prior processing: D3 = 1- (S3/S1)



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