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The total number of Boolean functions which can be realised with four variables is:

  1. $4$
  2. $17$
  3. $256$
  4. $65, 536$
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4 Answers

Best answer
35 votes
35 votes

A Boolean function of $4$ variables is a function from a set of $2^4 = 16$ elements (all combinations of $4$ variables) to a set of $2 (\{0,1\})$ elements. So, number of such functions will be $2^{16} =65,536$

Correct Answer: $D$

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K-Map (Karnaugh Map)In a boolean function , there are two possibility for each midterm , that is it can either be present or absent in the boolean function . 

f = ABCD + ABCD’ + ABC’D + ABC’D’ + …………. 16terms

for example , 

          ABCD can be present or not in the boolean function therefore , the possible number of functions can be 

          2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2………..

         = 2^16

         = 65536


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Let’s assume instead of 4, there is only one variable, say ‘a’.

for single variables, the number of input combinations will be 2 i.e. 0 and 1.

Function table for one variable
a f1 f2 f3 f4
0 0 0 1 1
1 0 1 0 1

so here only 4 functions are possible in the case of one variable.

f1 = 0

f2= a

f3 = a’

f4 = 1

so from here, we can say that the number of functions is $2^{number of rows}$.

Number of rows =  $2^{number of variables}$.

In short, the Relation between the number of functions and the number of variables =  $2^{2^{number of variables}}$.

{Note: order should be maintained first do  $2^{number of variables}$ then what result you will get make that of power of 2}

Now in question, it is given that the number of variables = 4.


= $2^{2^{4}}$  

 = $2^{16}$.

= 65,536

The correct answer is Option D.


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