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39 votes

A block-set associative cache memory consists of $128$ blocks divided into four block sets. The main memory consists of $16, 384$ blocks and each block contains $256$ eight bit words.

  1. How many bits are required for addressing the main memory?
  2. How many bits are needed to represent the TAG, SET and WORD fields?
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1 Answer

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59 votes

For main memory, there are $2^{14}$ blocks and each block size is $2^8$ bytes (A byte is an eight-bit word)

  1. Size of main memory $=2^{14}\times 2^8=4MB$ ( $22-\text{bits}$ required for addressing the main memory).
  2. For WORD field, we require $8-\text{bits}$, as each block contains $2^8 $ words.

As there are $4$ blocks in $1$ set, $32$ sets will be needed for $128$ blocks. Thus SET field requires $5- \text{bits}$.

Then, TAG field requires $22-(5+8)= 9- \text{bits}$

$$\begin{array}{|c|c|c|} \hline \text {9-bits (for tag)} &  \text{5- bits (for set)}& \text{8-bits (for word)} \\\hline  \end{array}$$

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