Gate score:690 (GATE CSE 2023), Marks:62.67
Date: 4 May 2023 Major in Mechanical and Minor in CSE


There were 5 professors in the pannel [ The interview was online ]

P1: Introduce yourself

P1: Why do you want to take CGS?

P1: If you get IIT Bombay CSE, would you still take CGS? I said, maybe I’ll prefer IITB CS, in this case

I said I see corelation between ML and CGS, and I think the more we understand our brain the better we can implement it in machines, so that machines can do repetitive work we do, and we can focus on other important problems.

P2: Asked did I take any course or project in ML/AI? I did the Stanford university course, available in Coursera.

P2: How do you think ML models help in solving problem, what is your favorite example? I said about the cancer detection using ML and explained we’ll have weights, bias and parameters and with time, and data, our model will improve.

P2: Asked about bias in the model.
P2: Asked Sigmoid and asked how will the curve change if we increase/decrease a and b in $\frac{1}{1+ae^{-bx}}$

P2: Asked about discrete version of sigmoid? I said I can’t recall the name, but it starts with ‘P’, he then asked to say the mathematical definition. The name is Perceptron and it is 0, for 0 or less, and 1 for greater than 0.

P2: Asked about error function in model, which I don't know, I started to explain about cost function, he then said it is not erf, so I said I don’t know what it is.

While explaining, the gradient decent came, and I said we use it for linear regression, but he said we can use basic partial derivative instead of gradient decent in linear regression. As far as I know Gradient decent is sum of partial fractions in all directions, I don’t know what was this all about.

P2: Asked how do you connect ML and cognition? What kind of project you want to work using the combinition of them?

P3: Showed this: and asked explain all the labeled stuffs, I only knew about dendrites, so I said it and I said I don’t know what others do.

She also showed another image which looked something like this, not exactly tough, and said to explain it:


P4: Asked how do neurons communicate: I said electricity, and then asked how is the electricity produced? I said there must be some potential difference, and she said to guess where and how is this potential difference produced? I said may be by energy in cells, she then said no energy and charge is completely different, she tried to give a hint, think of ions, and I couldn’t get it in time.

And the interview concluded.

The electricity potential difference is produced by Na and K ions



Resource (for nervous system)

posted in Interview Experience May 4, 2023 edited Jun 4, 2023 by