in Operating System recategorized by
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1 vote

Non-contiguous memory allocation splits program into blocks of memory called ________ that can be loaded in non-adjacent holes in main memory.

  1. Pages
  2. Frames
  3. Partition
  4. Segments
in Operating System recategorized by

2 Answers

3 votes
3 votes

page is fixed size block but segment is variable size block but here not saying fixed size so answer should be option D

In paging, program is divided into fixed or mounted size pages.In segmentation, program is divided into variable size sections called segment.

Segmentation is a programmer view of the memory where instead of dividing a process into equal size partition we divided according to program into partition called segments.

Non-contiguous memory allocation splits program into blocks of memory called segment  that can be loaded in non-adjacent holes in main memory.

0 votes
0 votes
Non-contiguous memory allocation splits program into blocks of memory called Pages

option A is right

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