in Quantitative Aptitude
4 votes
4 votes

It takes $10$ s and $15$ s, respectively, for two trains travelling at different constant speeds to completely pass a telegraph post. The length of the first train is $120$ m and that of the second train is $150$ m. The magnitude of the difference in the speeds of the two trains (in $m/s$) is ____________.

  1. $2.0$
  2. $10.0$
  3. $12.0$ 
  4. $22.0$
in Quantitative Aptitude

2 Answers

3 votes
3 votes
Best answer

Let $x$ and $y$ be the speeds of the two trains.

  • $x = \frac{120}{10}=12\;m/s$
  • $y = \frac{150}{15}=10\;m/s$

So, magnitude of their difference in speeds $ = \mid12-10\mid = 2 \;m/s$

Correct Option: A.

1 vote
1 vote
It takes 10 s and 15 s, respectively, for two trains travelling at different constant speeds to completely pass a telegraph post. The length of the first train is 120 m and that of the second train is 150 m. The magnitude of the difference in the speeds of the two trains (in m/sm/s) is ____2 m/s________.

speed=150/15 - 120/10 =|10 -12|=2 m/s

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