in Quantitative Aptitude edited by
8 votes
8 votes

In a sports academy of $300$ peoples, $105$ play only cricket, $70$ play only hockey, $50$ play only football, $25$ play both cricket and hockey, $15$ play both hockey and football and $30$ play both cricket and football. The rest of them play all three sports. What is the percentage of people who play at least two sports?

  1. $23.30$
  2. $25.00$
  3. $28.00$
  4. $50.00$ 
in Quantitative Aptitude edited by
Migrated from GO Civil 4 years ago by Arjun

2 Answers

6 votes
6 votes
Best answer
Since everyone plays at least one sports, to get the number of people who plays at least two sports we can do

$\text{Total} - \text{No. of people playing only one game}$

$\qquad=300 - (105+70+50)$

$ \qquad= 75.$

So, percentage of people who play at least $2$ sports $ = \frac{75}{300} \times 100\% = 25\%.$

Correct Answer: Option B.
1 vote
1 vote
In the sports academy, the total number of people $n(U)=300$

Number of people who play only cricket $n(C)=105$

Number of people who play only hockey $n(H)=70$

Number of people who play only football $n(F)=50$

Number of people, who play both cricket and hockey $n(C\cap H)=25$

Number of people, who play both hockey and football $n(H\cap F)=15$

Number of people, who play both cricket and football $n(C\cap F)=30$

The number of people who play only one sport $n(C)+n(H)+n(F)=105+70+50=225$

The number of people, who pay at least two sport $($it mean the total number of people $-$ the number of people who play only one sport$)=300-225=75$  $($at least two sports means two or more sports$)$

Percentage $=\dfrac{75}{300}\times 100=25\%$

So,correct answer is $(B).$
edited by


in the question they have mentioned 

 25 play both cricket and hockey

not like 25 play both cricket and hockey and not football

also see this comment of @Arjun Sir


@Pranavpurkar Exactly what I'm saying. So why aren't you taking x? Why are you subtracting X? 


See 25 is including X and if i want just a(See the Venn diag in my comment) then it will be 25-X na.

as X is the #people playing all three. and 25-X is #people playing cricket and Hockey only. So we have to exclude X from here right?


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