in Set Theory & Algebra edited by
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Among reflexive, symmetric, antisymmetric, and transitive, which of those properties are true of the above relation?

  1. It is only reflexive
  2. It is reflexive, symmetric, and transitive
  3. It is both reflexive and antisymmetric
  4. It is both reflexive and symmetric
in Set Theory & Algebra edited by

1 Answer

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From the given digraph following elements in the relation $R=\left \{ (0,0),(1,1),(2,2),(0,2),(1,2),(2,1),(0,1)\right \}$

  • Relation $R$ is reflexive as all the diagonal elements are there; each node having self-loops.
  • Relation $R$ is not symmetric as for each pair $a^Rb$ there should be $b^Ra$, (0,2) is there but (2,0) is not present.
  • Relation $R$ is not antisymmetric as $(1,2),(2,1)$ both pair present in the set.

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